This post will help you to Find Unique ID (UDID) of iPhone, iPod touch or iPad for iOS Development. This post includes 6 easy steps to get the UDID of your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. So Let’s get started.
What is a unique ID or UDID?
Every iPhone, iPod touch and iPad has a unique identification number associated with it, known as a UDID (Unique Device ID).
How does it look like?
UDID is a 40-digit sequence of letters and numbers that looks like this: 0e83ff56a12a9cf0c7290cbb08ab6752181fb54b.
Why we need UDID?
Unlike Android, iOS has strong security protocols that do not allow you to install the IPA (App package, same as APK in Android) from unknown sources. In that case, if you want to install your developed app by downloading from somewhere and not from the App Store, it will not allow you to install the app.
For the above-mentioned case if you want to install the app by downloading it from an unknown source then you need to bind the UDID of your device with the IPA and now iOS will allow you to install the app on same device.
How can you get UDID?
Here are 6 simple magical steps to get the UDID of your iOS device:
Step 1: Open iTunes (the Mac or PC app, not iTunes on your iPhone).
Step 2: Plugin your iOS device / iPhone, iPod touch or iPad
Step 3: Click the device icon on the top of the screen
Step 4: Ensure you’re on the Summary tab.
Step 5: Click on the text that says Serial Number. It should change to Identifier (UDID)
Step 6: Copy UDID from the Edit menu
Select Copy from the Edit menu and your UDID is now in the clipboard, so you can paste it into an email or message.
This is how you can find iPhone, iPod touch or iPad’s unique ID (UDID). If you have any doubts or you want to share something about the topic you can comment below or contact us here. There will be more posts coming soon. Stay tuned!