Separate Libraries under Lean core Project in React Native Version 0.59

Project Lean Core

For the past several months React Native Core Community has been discussing and making progress on a project called “Lean Core”. Over the years React Native has accumulated a lot of parts that are now outdated, unused or otherwise legacy.


So the big point of discussion was “React Native is a huge repo. Would it make sense to move UI components (ScrollView, Switches, WebView) and Native Modules like PushNotifications, etc into separate repos?”


The basic answer was yes, and in the past few months, this has started becoming reality via a few proposals and some commits from the FB team. They decided that it’s time to clean everything up and put the repository into a much more manageable state going forward.


In the process of that, they have moved many React Native components to a new Home like AsyncStorage is deprecated from the react-native library and now has a new separate library react-native-async-storage. AsyncStorage is not just a single library there are many libraries that have been already moved and can be used from there. Don’t Worry I’ll make a separate post for that to list out the libraries that are moved to a new place.

Updated Posts under Lean Core Project:

  1. AsyncStorage in React Native to Store Data in Session.
  2. React Native NetInfo.
  3. Example to Show the Working of Slider in React Native.

Many more to come. Keep updated and keep visiting this post.

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